Well, I guess that all depends on if you have experienced this first hand or now. I first experienced this in college when a good friend was hit by a driver with only state minimum liability protection…at the time that was only $20,000 in coverage for my friend.
Stephanie was a student at SFA. She was rear-ended in an accident, and experienced chronic back pain as a result. She had trouble carrying her books to class, sleepless nights of pain kept her up and affected her grades, and medications kept her budget tighter than expected for the rest of her college years. Fortunately for Stephanie, her family was financially able to help her through and Stephanie is doing well today.
Many of these issues could have been minimized if Stephanie would have paid a little extra per month and purchased Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage on her auto policy. It would have picked up where the person at-fault’s coverage ended, paid for much of Stephanie’s therapy to make her back feel better, paid for her doctor visits and medications, and helped pay the time she had to take off from work to go to therapy and the doctor.
I strongly encourage you to learn more about this coverage and to know that you have all if it that your policy will allow. It is a great coverage that you and your family will be so glad that you have when the situation arises and someone else injures you in an accident.